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A Complete Guide To Different Types Of Wardrobe Finishes And Their Pros & Cons

<strong>A Complete Guide To Different Types Of Wardrobe Finishes And Their Pros & Cons</strong>

There are a lot of ways to finish your wardrobe, but we’ve narrowed it down to three: laminate, membrane, and acrylic. Here’s what you need to know about each!


Laminate finishes are the most popular option for finishing a wardrobe. They’re easy to clean and maintain, and they look great when they’re new. However, they can chip or wear out over time if you’re not careful with them.


Membrane finishes are similar to laminate in many ways—they’re also easy to clean and maintain, and they look great when they’re new. However, they’re not as durable as laminate—if you use them often enough and don’t take good care of them, they’ll degrade over time.



Acrylic is a more expensive option than either laminate or membrane, but it has its advantages: it’s very durable and virtually indestructible if you treat it right (you can’t even scratch it!) It’s also resistant to moisture so that it doesn’t need to be sealed every time you wash your clothes—it will stay nice looking.

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